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Jenni Matilda Schmechel


+49 (0) 176 2013 6828

+34 674 737 826



Ctra. El Viso del Alcor-Tocina km.12
Carmona, Sevilla


German native speaker
Finnish native speaker
English fluent
Dutch fluent
Spanish fluent

About me

What started as a childhood deram has become my life <3


Childhood and first horse


Even in my very early childhood, I was always drawn to horses. Even if my family has nothing to do with horses, at the age of 6 they gave me the opportunity to take regular riding lessons from professional master rider Horst Weikamp, ​​who initially gave me a basis on school horses and riding participation.

When I was 14 I got my first own horse, “Certero”. Of course it had to be a PRE, because this breed had always excited me and once I sat on one it should never be anything else.

My long-time riding instructor helped me a lot to grow together with him and we learned together and developed further up to the level of M dressage.


Studies and first show  


After I left my hometown Bochum for my “Horse Business Management” studies, I trained with various trainers, including for a long time with Fritz Krümmel, who helped me to train myself and my horse to an even higher level gave me the opportunity to ride my first show.


Internship at a horse-veterinary clinic 


During a long internship at the horse-veterinary clinic Dr. Mark Kaminski I learned a lot about horse diseases and their treatment. I deepened my knowledge in the veterinary medicine subjects of my studies and also gained insights into areas such as physiotherapy and osteopathy as well as extensive knowledge of the correct nutrition and keeping of horses.

The jump to Spain

After completing a riding internship at the Yeguada de la Cartuja, the state stud of Carthusian horses in Jerez de la Frontera, as part of my studies, the country never let go of me.

I completed my final internship in the PR department of the FREAAE, the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art (Riding School) in Jerez. Here I also completed my bachelor thesis on the breeding management of the Pura Raza Espanola, with which I was able to successfully complete my studies.

 Royal School

Since I was so enthusiastic about the royal school and the fine training of horses up to the very highest level, I tried the official entrance exam for the „Real Escuela“. Here I achieved the first place in the overall evaluation of theory and practice and thus had the honor of being one of the only four accepted students who were allowed to train themselves to become professional riders at the highest level for 4 years.


The intensive training with internationally successful riders and trainers such as José Maria Sanchez Cobos (multiple winner of the Spanish Championships and internationally succesful with PRE stallion “Fogonero IX” at Grand Prix level), Juan Jose Verdugo Camacho (winner of the Andalusian Championship of the Alta Escuela, internationally competed in Dressage, internationally successful in the Working Equitation, trainer of the Spanish Working Equitation Junior team ) and Rafael Soto (Olympic rider) as well as riding so many different horses from youngsters to Olympic horses have given me a very extensive equestrian knowledge.


This allows me to sensitively respond to the character as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each horse and to ride young horses with an individually tailored concept, as well as to train, further educate and refine horses up to Grand Prix level and high school myself.

For me, the psychological and physical possibilities of the horse are always in the foreground.

Dressage sport

Thetraditional knowledge of the riding school I have had this regularly over the last few yearsTraining with internationally successful dressage riders / trainers such as Dani Martin Dockx who complement me in training for (inter)national dressage tournaments support.

With the perfect mix of traditional and slightly more modern, gentler methods, my goal is oneelegant, easy riding to practicewhich is convincing in the arena, but also warms the hearts of the spectators.  

Own stable - breeding, sales, riding and lessons ​

Since summer 2017, I have been an officially trained rider of the Royal School and have been working independently since then at my own stables, where I have in addition to my own horses also horses in training, and some horses for sale.
For conditions and options, simply contact me without any obligation!

I also offer individually tailored lessons for all levels on my schoolmaster stallions that are trained to the highest level. Here I take into account the rider's previous knowledge and pay particular attention to the rider's understanding. It is important to know why we give which aids and what they do to the horse. This is the only way to gain an insight and a feeling for giving the right aid at the right moment.


On a well-trained horse you can develop yourself perfectly.

In just one lesson you will gain new perspectives that you can implement on other horses at home. No matter whether you are looking for ideas to continue working with your own horse at home or you are currently in the area and would simply like to get a feel for what exercises like piaffe and Spanish walk feel like on a Spanish dream horse:

Just get in touch with me without any obligation. I look forward to meeting you!


October 2013 – June 2017

August 2009 – July 2013

4-years course to professional rider: “Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art Foundation”, FREAAE Jerez de la Frontera

“CAH Dronten University of Applied Sciences” Dronten, Netherlands
Bachelor program: Horse Business Management


2019 - today

2015 - today

2004 – today

July 2013

February 2013 – July 2013

July  – August 2011

4th + 5th September 2010

1st May 2010 – 31th June 2010

June 2008 – January 2009

Successful participation with PREs on national and international dressage competitions

Manager of her own training- and breeding stable/stud

Training of several (own) PREs up to Grand Prix level.

Internship “Yeguada de La Cartuja” Jerez de la Frontera, Spain
Main activities: Veterinary clinic: reproduction management

Internship at “Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art Foundation”
Main activities: Department of Public Relations: PR office work, visits for tourists, writing of the bachelor thesis about the breeding management of the PRE

Internship “Yeguada de La Cartuja” Jerez de la Frontera, Spain
Main activities: Handling of the horses, training of the stallions

Show-riding: “Feria-Andaluz” Ratingen, Germany

Internship “Lengelshof – Zentrum für Reitkultur” Ratingen, Germany
Main activities: Handling of the stallions, training of the horses, office work

Internship “Tiermedizinische Praxis für Pferde – Dr. Mark Kaminski” Bochum, Germany
Main activities:  Support of the horses before, during and after medical attendance, assisting with the attendance and with surgical intervention, supplying of medical emergencies, participating in  diagnostic and therapeutic measures of the veterinarian, x-radiation and radiation protection, organization of administrative- and practice procedures including word processing, management of patients’ records and documentation of diagnostic findings

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